About Me

Ayyyy, wanna check out my mixtape?

IMG_0882 My Mixtape cover IMG_1393  a buff cat  IMG_0887 that senior photo though

So welcome, my name is Christopher Beau Borile Aguilar, but Chris tends to get things done. I’m from Renton Washington and am currently going to Washington State University.

IMG_1736So about me, i’m 18 and the oldest and only boy in my family with 3 younger sisters. I’m really into music and graphic design, which i hope to follow on as a career after college.  Being a first gen student from a traditional Filipino family, i have a lot of weight on my shoulders. But hey, I’m ready for what college’s got to throw at me (well maybe not everything but you know what i mean). To me communication is the foundation of our ever extensive lives. its the bread and butter that creates our society by building bonds that last a life time.

so some more stuff to give you a feel about who i am. well for starters i have this crazy issue with food. I LOVE to eat. not only that but i love getting to meet new people and get to know them. (Maybe this is why people sometimes think i’m like a panda)  I’ve been playing video games since i was a little kid and have been ever since. they’re so fun and colorful and can be a lot of things depending on how it wants to be. but for me i’m into whatever catches my eye either aesthetically or concept wise.

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Player Stats 

Hp: 250 lbs.

Strengths: Pretty Chill, Willing Compromise, & Loves Hugs

Weaknesses: Sacred of the dark, Ginger and Asparagus,  & No Wifi

Favorite foods: Pho & Taco’s

Favorite hobbies: Bowling, Video Games, Chillin with friends

What am i doin here?

So the reason i even made this site (My purpose) was for my Com210 class but ahs now expanded to others like my DTC 355 class. its a totally fine class where we study communication through multimedia content. it’ll be through here that i post all the content i create in class. there will be tons of stuff like logos photos and other things i don’t even know about yet. I’m pretty pump to show off the stuff i’ll be working on this semester through this site.

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